Aves de presa (Birds of Prey)
What bird can dive at speeds of over 200 miles per hour? What birds munch on leftovers from other animals’ meals? What birds build their nests underground?…
What bird can dive at speeds of over 200 miles per hour? What birds munch on leftovers from other animals’ meals? What birds build their nests underground?…
Which cat can run at speeds up to 70 miles per hour? Which lions do most of the hunting—the males or the females? And which gets to eat first?…
Ever wondered what animals wolves eat? Or how wolves are related to our pet pooches?…
Ever wondered how snakes can swallow and digest an entire animal whole, bones and all? Or which snakes squeeze the life out of their victims?…
Ever wondered how butterflies get their colors? Or which butterflies avoid predators by tasting bad?..
Kids love to ask questions, and these books have the answers! Full of fun facts about astounding animal varieties, habitats, and abilities of favorite members of the animal kingdom, each page in this exciting series has more for kids to learn!
Do you know which seals can use their flippers as legs to walk on land? Or which seals live off their blubber while nursing their young? Or how mother seals recognize their pups in a crowd?..
Ever wonder how high off the ground baby giraffes are born? Or how baby zebras recognize their mothers? Or which safari fathers take care of their babies?..
Did you know that puppies have about 110 more bones than people? Or that the moisture on their noses helps grab hold of scents?..
Do you know how kittens’ tails help them jump and climb? Or what makes kittens specially equipped for the dark? Or why kittens play so much?..
Ever wondered which insects are considered the skunks of the insect world? Or which insects communicate through dance?..
Have you ever wondered why horses need shoes? Or which horse is the largest ever to be recorded in history? Or why horses sometimes sleep standing up?..
Have you ever wondered why frogs are so slimy? Or what makes toads different from frogs? Or how frogs’ eyes help them eat?..
Ever wondered how some fish can see in the depths of the ocean? Or how fish breathe underwater? Or which fish fathers carry the eggs until they hatch?..
Have you ever wondered why pigs roll in the mud? Or if all cows have the same spots? Or why chickens have feathers?…
Ever wonder why spiders don’t get trapped in their own webs? Or which female spiders eat their male partners after mating with them? Or how spiders escape their enemies…
Do you know what whale is the world’s largest animal? Or which whale’s head is up to one-third the length of its entire body? Or why some whales “sing” to one another…
Ever wondered how dangerous bats really are to humans? Or whether vampire bats actually drink blood? Or how a mother bat recognizes her baby out of thousands of other roosting pups…
Have you ever wondered how the grizzly bear, sloth bear, and sun bear got their names? Or what bear is hardly bigger than a dog? Or which bear can eat a whale…
Ever wondered why some lizards’ tails break off—and what happens afterward? Or what lizard is big enough to swallow a goat? Or what lizard can squirt blood from its eyes…