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Sequoia Kids Media

A Gift for Grandma Goodie

Grandma Goodie visits Chris and Jamie every Sunday with goodies galore! But when they find out next Sunday is her birthday, Chris and Jamie wonder what gift they can give the greatest gift-giver…

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Night Coach

Never take a coach when you can ride a horse! That’s what Red the Cowboy learns after finishing a cattle drive one night…

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The King of the Cats

When an old church caretaker returns home with a grave tale from a dark night, it’s hard to tell what is truth and what is just a trick of the eyes…

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The Selfish Giant

There once was a garden enjoyed by all the neighborhood children–that is until its giant owner returned! Can the giant learn to share the garden’s beauty?…

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Felinos (Wild Cats)

Which cat can run at speeds up to 70 miles per hour? Which lions do most of the hunting—the males or the females? And which gets to eat first?…

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